Monday, September 15, 2008

?tuts n a little K-stuff!

* Punch n fun vid
* boîtes avec TopScore Multiboard @ HSN but it comes with the envelop plate.

Just too funny, found out Stephane Cherki [1955] was the one who invented/created the cheque cadeau and introduced this idea to companies in 1983 and from there it took off like fire... They had him on a tv show in France [video]... Pretty cool! A French Invention!

off topic... Watching - We got married - 우리결혼했어요, so freaken' funny!!! How I number my couples:
Crown J and Soe In Young
Solbi and Andy
Alex and ShinAe
Kim HyunJoong and Hwangbo

video of Replay n Umbrella w/ Shinee (샤이니) n Seo In Young (서인영)! [video] Wonder Girls & JunJin

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