* SayingSolly
* AlterEgoNJ
* Tutorial on how to cover your key [French]
* liquid poly glow
* Polymer Clay Products, Tools and Accessories for the Discriminating Artist and Collector
* Clear Stamp Set - Cupcakes [MR-CS-cupcakes] $14.99
* Shapeabilities Die [Cupcakes - WIZ-D-S4156] $24.99
* Karen McIntosh video on transfers @ ustream.com...

* Deco Art triple thick, more than 3 coats it starts to get cloudy. 2 is usually the limit. use a soft brush, stir don't shake... from: Gloria
* Youtube Channel of Amy Reederhadley a manga artist... amazing!
* Pink Cat Stamps - Backgrounds
* Pink Cat - Garden & Insect Stamps
* Desiree (President - South Bay Polymer Clay Guild)
* blog: Adventures in Creativity
* Poly Clay Play News from Trish
* Play Clay Play Fun - Polymer Clay Projects, Tips and Techniques
* Tiny Cravings site
* Tiny Cravings Handmade Scented Jewelry
* Archive for the 'Polymer Clay' Category
* Photo of miniatures @ Miniature World


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